16 March 2012

Friday List.

I love links.

I love the modern footnote that is "the link."  So brilliant.  So convenient.

I love clicking through a list of recommended photos, articles, products, and ideas.  Most days, Sarah and I end up emailing or Skyping each other many times - sharing things we've read or seen.  So - we thought we'd jump on the "Friday links" bandwagon (thank you, Cup of Jo, Design Mom, and numerous other blogs for the idea...), and share these things with you too.

With a Congo spin, of course.

So - here is the inaugural Friday List:


  • I think a lot about glasses for little kids.  Elias started wearing glasses at age 4 and the search for durable, stylish, wearable kids glasses has been a challenge I've fully embraced. Right now, we have two pairs of these.  Which have been incredibly durable and great for a kindergartener living in Africa.  But, these gorgeous, round glasses might be good for a more mature 6-year-old look, eh?  I'm currently crushing on these:
    File:Kinshasa & Brazzaville - ISS007-E-6305 lrg.jpg
    Image by NASA.
  • Celebrating TWO! and seriously scheming for another birthday tomorrow (30, dear husband?)
  • Since our little ones hear and speak French on a daily basis, we're always looking for French language books and toys.  But these products are almost IMPOSSIBLE to find online for shipment to the U.S. (Amazon France - argh!)  I have found this amazing site, however.  It's pricey, yes.  But, for a special birthday treat...absolutely.

Picks of the weekend -
  • Wish I was in Grade 5 at TASOK and reading this book. 
  • Who we pretend we are.

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