15 April 2012

Friday List


Anthony Bourdain!  Come to Congo!  We know you want to.  Operation "Tony, COME TO MAMA" underway.  Stay tuned for a week of food posts designed to entice him our way.  We've also got some personal connections we're planning on milking for all they're worth...but, let us know if you have other ideas for getting his attention.

Really?!  Couldn't stop myself from thinking how my kindergartner would fare.  Ugh.  Stop it.

Elias looking out over Kinshasa from the EU offices.

And.  Also in my catching-up-with-the-NYTimes reading:  Thinking about the urbanization of Africa.

Mad Men.  Really want to watch you.

Johan's been (attempting) to download a bunch of music thanks to birthday Amazon.com gift cards.  His favorites?  It's between the new Dirty Three and the new Twilight Sad.    Oh, how I love a good Australian hairy post-rock violin.  Seriously.  It's amazing.


I know that the "French parents are THE BEST" books are all the rage right now.  And that the commenters on NYTimes.com love to hate "wild generalizations" of another culture - particularly when it's somewhat critical of Americans.  Yeah, I read Pamela Druckerman's highly-touted book.  But, I'm really thankful to Karen Le Billon's thoughtful Michael Pollen-meets-Jamie Oliver-meets-really-likeable-mother-who's-also-a-great-writer-and-researcher recent release, French Kids Eat Everything.

I really want my kids to love and appreciate real food and this book was kind of great for me.  I liked what she had to say Friday on the Motherlode too.

Radishes and navy beans, pumpkins and garlic sausage….what French kids are eating for school lunch this week!

And.  I promise the return of the pink arrow when we work out whatever kinks are preventing us from having workable internet on most computers here at TASOK.  For now, it's just too laborious to use one computer for graphic design and another for internet.  Sorry.  I'm a little lazy, it turns out.

Unreasonably excited to be flying Brussels back to the U.S. for summer vacation.  Now, don't burst my bubble with stories about how crappy the flight will be.  I have my heart set on spending my layover in Brussels (vs. Addis Ababa) shopping the Euro pharmacy in the airport.  Gwenyth understands.


Doing a lot of cooking, grilling and baking over break (well, Adam is). Did you know he's a fries expert? Guess the Belgians have worn off on him. His fries are made with such care, our friends claim he names each one. The trick is the double fry.

Played this game, Cards Against Humanity, last night. "A party game for horrible people." Extremely politically incorrect (the faint-of-heart excused themselves early). Already thinking of who will get it as a Christmas gift. Or you can go to their website and print it for free.

Read this article this week. And I have to say, I believe in the power of Epsom Salt. When Charlotte was born, the SA sisters and doctors recommended a "swim in the sea" for its healing properties. I whined it was too cold, so they said bathing in Epsom Salts was a close second. I think I've gone through a truck load of this stuff since.

One topic of conversation at Easter dinner, Lehman's Hardware Store. In the days before the generator, I used to dream of all their great electricity-free appliances.


  1. I love these lists- cool pic of Eli, too :) I miss the pink arrow and am eagerly awaiting its return. Damn internets.

  2. I'm friends with Matt Lehman of the famous Lehmans. I'll have to tell him about your coveting.

