28 July 2012

Friday (or whatever day) List

Sarah's List:

On the way back from the beach, we stopped at Chick-fil-A. This was my first time. (I know, I know, I'm about 2 decades behind.) The only thing I know about Chick-fil-A is they're closed on Sundays. I was not expecting 4-star service complete with self-adhesive children's place mats, clean booster seats and high chairs and about 4,000 different sauces. And to top it off, they double-checked to make sure it was okay if there was cinnamon in the kids' applesauce. Too good to be true? Probably so. Who thought they could get themselves so embroiled in scandal.

From the "I still think 1990 was 10 years ago" department, Adam and I just discovered the 90s Alternative Rock and Grunge station on XM Radio. Here you can see what's currently playing. I dare you not to feel nostalgic. Pretty sure Adam teared up mid-Greenday/Stone Temple Pilots/Radiohead playlist.

This article combines two wonderful things about Harrisonburg: The Farmer's Market and the Daily News-Record. A cover story this week investigated the Farmer's Market's decision to ban dogs. Climax of the story: dog steals pretzel. An excerpt below:

"On July 17, a dog snatched a pretzel from a woman's hand after she had just bought it from a vendor. Although neither the woman nor the vendor was upset and the dog owner bought the woman another pretzel, the situation could've been worse, Showalter said. It's the potential for it to be a finger and not a pretzel, even if the dog was just going for the pretzel," she said. Did I mention this was the cover story?

At Mama Congo, we love all things nanny. I can totally understand how this woman would want to keep the nanny after she slept with her husband. Sometimes a good nanny is harder to replace than a husband.

"Olympics! Everyone is so excited they wore weird pants."

Good luck to the DRC Olympic team. These guys look like a fun bunch:

Jill's List:

Frantically adding, "Download as much Mr. Bean as possible" to list of last-minute To Dos.  My kid laughed hysterically and requested to watch this about 50 times last night:

I bought two packs of Muppets Band-Aids today.  Kind of because we can always use imported Target Band-Aids in Kinshasa where they cost $15/pack at City Market.  But, mainly because of this.  Steven Colbert would make fun of me.

Man, DRCongo is all up in the news.  Sigh.

I'm going to rock the pagne pants at Katie's wedding today.  I know photographers are supposed to be somewhat subdued in their attire, but, my mother-in-law (watch her on WHSV Monday morning, by the way) made me some seriously hot, super-tailored, stovepipe pants out of some of the most fabulous pagne print ever.  Oh man, maybe I'm just excited about the Olympics.

Elias was psyched about watching the four athletes from the Congo walk during the Opening Ceremonies.  Medals, anyone?

Okay - off to a beautiful wedding.  Can't wait to show the photos to Mama YouYou and Mama Vida.  They are going to be so thrilled.  Maybe as much as the lovely bride.

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