31 August 2012

Friday List!

Sarah's List

I remember nothing from my college graduation except this guy. His son graduated with me so he was there, being a dad. You want to see a bunch of kids who grew up in the 90s get excited, put Bill Nye in the audience. Who knew he could be such a controversial character? And no, he's not dead.

Do you believe this is ball point pen? I'm not sure I do.

Maybe if Todd Yoder was the artist...

Fascinating story about a Ghanaian returnee who chose to go back to what her parents fled. (As much as I love Congo, Ghana is my secret first love.)

Making Tetra boxes beautiful. It's about time.

Want a cookie? Don't want to make a whole batch? This is a very dangerous recipe. Good thing I don't have access to chocolate chips.

Chips by Gudlyf, on Flickr
Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License  by  Gudlyf 

Would you ever sleep in a capsule hotel? Oh, those Japanese.

Research shows recess is good (duh). Chicago Public Schools bring back recess after 30 years of too much classroom time. I don't think the research brought it back, but rather John Searles who left Congo to be a recess coordinator in Chicago. Bravo, John. Keep those kids playing.

Jill's List:

I love Todd too! (Almost as much as Elias.)  His most recent work literally made me do a double-take.

This painting is of another Harrisonburg artist, Kurt.  Remember Kurt?

Our fellow-blogger, Matt, burst into my office this morning just to tell me about Chakalaka.  What?  You haven't heard about this South African awesomeness?  Neighbor James suggested dumping it over pasta for extra deliciousness.
 Enjoyed sharing Pete Seeger's banjo with my middle schoolers for a lesson on nonviolent communication and restorative justice.  We watched an old (meaning, 1960's) clip of "If I Had a Hammer."  They asked, "Ohmygosh!  Is this from, like, the 1990's?!?  It is SOOOO old, Ms. Jill!"

Totally trying this service out - maybe this weekend.  Chinese food delivered to my house in Kinshasa?!

Awesome.  Especially this:
9. Move.
Live in different houses. In different parts of the country. Travel. Make it so that you can look back and divide up your life into the years you spent in different cities, or different houses. If you're feeling stuck geographically or physically, you can confuse yourself into thinking you're stuck romantically. See your husband in different places, in different contexts, in different countries even. Try it. Take him to a mountaintop and give him another look. Pretty sexy. Take him to a new city and check out his profile. Along the same lines, don't be afraid to change personally, or let your wife change as a person. Don't worry about "growing apart." Be brave and evolve. Become completely different. Don't gather moss. Stagnation is unattractive.

I have a weird obsession.

My awesome hair is growing out.  Eeek! Do I attempt the self-trim?

Not me.  But, what my hair is looking like.  Instead of this.


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