21 September 2012

Friday List!

Sarah's List:

Jewish tailors, Pakistani cab drivers and Senegalese umbrella men. New York's finest.

Skyline Reflections by pennuja, on Flickr
Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License  by  pennuja 

Malaria rates in DRC, visually.

Filmed in DRC, this new documentary about child soldiers, War Witch is getting good reviews. My sensitivities can't handle anything heavier than a romantic comedy these days, but won't you watch it and let us know?

F. Scott Fitzgerald buried in Rockville, Maryland? Who knew.

Poor ole Kate. After spending more than enough time on French beaches, I almost, almost believe the French newspaper's defense of boobs not being taboo in Europe.

Jill's List:

After a week spent listening to the ideas Congolese women (Dr. Laure & Mama NouNou) have for Congo, I found this to be a fascinating read.  Thanks, Anna, for the tip! 


Not convinced I will wake up looking like Anna Karina, but...this seems like a great Congo-rainy-season hair tip.

Surveyed my 7th graders today and found out that they each speak, on average, four different languages.  They are so cool.  And research says they're probably smart too.

Good thing a pint of Ben and Jerry's costs $19 here.

While we have not been indulging in ice cream, we have been gorging on Friday Night Lights.  I still can't figure out how something so cliched can be so good.  Even better, Sarah told me about Slate.com's commentary that ran alongside the original airing of the show. (Spoiler alert, of course.)

And.  Happy International Day of Peace


  1. Hi all, I'm friends with John and Daniele in Kenya and love your blog! I too am baffled by my own interest (really, obsession) with FNL. It's basically a soap opera with annoyingly beautiful people and I normally thumb my nose at that kind of thing. What is it?? Really good acting, sometimes great writing and good direction? Anyway, I love the peak into Kinshasa! Cheers,
    Kim www.mamamzungu.com

  2. Hi Kim - so happy you found us! I know - that Friday Night Lights is something else. Tears, laughter, crushes on people who do not exist in real life...everything a good show should be. I love to allow myself to be emotionally manipulated by this show. Can't believe it took me so long to find it! We mentioned you and your lovely, lovely blog on this week's Friday Links - check it out (http://mamacongo.blogspot.com/2012/10/friday-list.html).
