12 October 2012

Friday List!

Sarah's List:

For what feels like years (because I think it has been at least 2) construction crews, led by Chinese men in their Chinese hats, have been working on a tiny two lane bridge nearby. With some excellent motivation from the Francophonie, they've finally finished it. And it's named after, drum roll please, Dag Hammarskjöld. This is extremely convenient for me as I've recently become obsessed with the conspiracy theories surrounding his death. Read all about them here. Catchy name for a bridge, right? 

If we have to have packaging, it may as well be thoughtful.

I will always have the image burned in my brain of the poster that hung in my high school sex ed class: a crotch, in tight stonewashed jeans with a padlock and chain wrapped around it. I was so sure that poster would show up in this awesome slideshow. Because we all know the most effective contraception is a really bizarre poster on the wall of your classroom. Worked for me.

Wait. The Civil War was in color? Rare historical photos: Part 1 and 2!

It's true. Perhaps there are some Mama ailments by design. Or the NYT has been reading Mama Congo

My favorite memories of listening to This American Life are from my late night commute on the Cairo Metro to and from grad school. I laughed. I cried. As Egyptian men stared wondering what was wrong with the white girl. These two recent episodes are Ira Glass gold. Send a Message and P.I. Moms.

I'm pretty sure I wrote this piece about celebrating "the subtle joys of festivals of numerical coincidence." It's exactly how I feel about such dates. After all, we did choose to have our baby on 7/11/11. But it's not so cool when you live in the date/month/year world.

Jill's List:

Living overseas, it seems that you meet a lot of people with vague, pan-Brit-opean accents.  You're never sure where exactly they are from.  (I usually guess they are just closet Yankees.) Sometimes, I too try saying things like "uni," "posh," and "knackered," but then realize that this is difficult with an American accent.  Read this article for more on the temptation to sprinkle one's vocabulary with adorable British-isms. 

Thanks, Jo!

I've been thinking a lot about New York City.  Someone suggested I should watch this documentary.  Or this one.  Or this one.

Also, thinking about Cape Town.  As in booking my tickets for December.  So, naturally, I'm looking at applicable style blogs.  Like this one.

Holy Francophonie!  We're hoping to go to the Stadium and visit the "village" this weekend.  Photo Minute moments, here we come...

1 comment:

  1. Guilty! When did "no worries" creep into my vocabulary? And I'll be in South Africa in December, but outside Jo-burg... Great list!
