19 October 2012

Friday List!

Sarah's List:

Mama Congo promised ourselves Friday List would be cheerier than our previous week of posts. So I'm resisting the temptation to link to this week's This American Life, all about dying people or people who almost died. Thanks, Ira. Please enjoy these uplifting distractions below:

Live in Vancouver, Canada? Science World has really done quite the ad campaign

My entire childhood was spent waiting for Tuesday afternoons when Newsweek would come in the mail. Now it's gone all digital. How long before no more magazines to hold?

Cooking Comically. The Cook Abides.

Wild bird photographs of the week, featuring some of our own.We have some pretty ridiculous birds here in Congo. Including ones that live right outside our house with tails so long they can barely life themselves off the ground.

Speaking of birding, anyone seen this movie? Lots of birder humor, if that's a thing.

The evolution of corporate logos. How many do you remember?

Adam is watching his favorite movie, Mary Poppins (sorry Adam, it was bound to be revealed sometime) with Charlotte for the first time. It's now called "Mama Poppins" around here.


P.S. We visited baby Jean Baptiste this week, or JB as he's called. And he's perfect, of course.

Baby J.B. 

Three girls, Sarah, & Dr. Laure at our visit.

Jill's List:

The Odyssey is on my "to-read" vs. "I-read-it-ages-ago-and-can-discuss-the-themes-with-great-eloquence" list.  This illustrated version, however, is serious literary motivation.

When I found out I was pregnant with a boy (we found out with Elias and waited for the surprise with LouLou), I went to a run-of-the-mill mall kid's clothes store.  And cried.  Because the baby boy clothes were horrible.  Elias + Congo have manage to destroy much of his wardrobe.  So, I ordered from the Bobinette summer sale (part of the joy of living in 80F weather year-round).  This Brooklyn-based shop has gorgeous boy's clothes, incredible customer service, and everything is made in the USA.  Super.

And speaking of great things in New York.  I could really use a Shake Shack burger.  DHL?  Le Palmier d'Or here in Kinshasa doesn't quite cut it.

Pretty great "what to pack for a traveling toddler" list.  I strongly second the headphones, that awesome, compact carseat, the Tylenol, and of course the Ergo Baby Carrier.  Go here to see the whole list.  (Some of these items will soon be easily found in downtown Harrisonburg -- for you Virginia readers...)

This is one way to make the national news, Harrisonburg.  Glad that I delivered my absentee ballot to the Embassy this week.  My swing state needs me.

Entitled "The Reality of a Newborn Session."  Awesome.

This inspired me to remember that we really need some business cards.  To hand out to unsuspecting airline seat mates and such...

Totally ordering this calendar.  Perfect for our family.  Except I don't see Kinshasa.  Hmmm.

Love to all our friends this week.  It's been a rough one.  Near and Far.  Remembering Jean Baptiste & Javy with all our hearts.

1 comment:

  1. BRAVO Bobinette! Those clothes for boys are splendid. Great lists, Sarah and Jill. (as always)
