2 November 2012

Friday List!

Jill's List:

I was looking for interesting ways to talk about nutrition with a sustainability angle with my middle schoolers, and stumbled upon this.  Everybody loves a little Michael Pollan and Jamie Oliver, right?

Short Films image from this site.

Confused about cloth diapers and overwhelmed by the crazy information overload online?  Check out this downright soothing tutorial using Bum Genius diapers.  Love it.

Photo from the lovely blog, Bleubird.

A gorgeously curated online shop called Clementine.  (P.S. I adore most things from here anyone-who-might-want-to-gift-me-anytime-in-the-near-future.)

Photo from Clementine's "About Us" page.

Before you roll your eyes at me for suggesting you consider making Millet Croquettes to take with you on your next airplane flight, just go and take a look at this amazing cooking blog.  Among other creations, this woman carefully prepares delicious little packets of goodness to replace the muck served on most airlines.  Swoon.

Millet croquette image from 101 Cookbooks.

Have I jumped on the hair powder bandwagon yet on this blog?  Because I have in real life.  I got a sample of this stuff and have been using it religiously to combat the Congo grease.  Design Mom posted this amazing hair photo in her recent post about the subject that has me pining for long hair again...

Image from Design Mom.

What do you think?  Is this true?  Is technology changing the way kids learn?  Is that a bad thing?

Image from the New York Times

If you didn't catch Wednesday's post-Sandy Colbert Report, you should get on it. Faux news at it's poignant best.  Example:
Colbert had only one explanation for the unexpected bromance between Obama and Christie: “Hurricanes have a well-known liberal bias.”
Colbert Report image

Oh yeah.  One more thing: VOTE.

Image by Jason Wong

Sarah's List: 

I've become really good at scanning the text in articles about Eastern Congo just enough to inform myself without reading too many details to get nightmares. I've been following this story where we almost lost a doctor who has treated over 40,000 women. Too close to tragedy in a battle of good vs. evil. 

Adam and I have finally finished a project we started this summer. No, not a respectable project like home renovation, but rather watching MasterChef Australia. (Don't click if you want to watch! The winner will be spoiled.) I'm resisting the temptation to write an entire post on my love for this show. (You're welcome.) If you're interested, each season of MasterChef Aussie totals 70 episodes at over an hour each. Yes, that's why it's considered a major undertaking. But well worth the time to see what Aussies get right in reality TV. Drama free, educational, wholesome television producing. A completely foreign concept for many of my compatriots.

Sydney Opera House by szeke, on Flickr
All this elegance in a dish.
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic License  by  szeke 

Straws as art, who knew?!

"Your Friend, Conan" and "IN EVENT OF MOON DISASTER" and other fascinating Letters of Note: Correspondence deserving of a wider audience.

Letter image from here.

This one's been floating around all week, but in case you missed it Sorting the Real Sandy Photos From The Fakes.

And Brain Pop, an ordinarily paid subscription only website for kids, is free all week! If Sandy closed your school, they wanted to make sure kids still get their learnin' in. Thanks, Brain Pop.

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