22 January 2013

Tuesday List!

Since we denied you your Friday List last week (the horror!), I thought I'd compile some stuff for your Tuesday.  Here goes it:

I have this popular item in a bag of makeup-I-never-use-but-can't-throw-away.  I have a little problem in airports with MAC stores.  I buy expensive lipstick.  None of which I ever wear.  I desperately want to be fantastic enough to pull of this shade.  This post gives me a bit more confidence to shock everyone around me with a ruddy pout.

Image from Huffington Post.

Have you heard about this film?  Crazy.  Awful.

Image from the film's official website.

My student's verdict on M.O.'s bangs = decidedly lukewarm.  (I promise you, we were actually discussing content of importance.  Things like this...just come up...in 6th grade classrooms.)  Here's what the rest of the world had to say.

Image from NPR.

The first two defined my travel-lusting teenage years. Now there's a third?  And it's supposed to be "nearly perfect?"  Man, I love Julie Delpy. And her French apartments.

Image from here.

Free cesarean-sections as public health strategy in (the other) Congo.  Working?  Hmmm.

Image from here.

A version of this middle class whine has appeared every few years since 1909.  Truth or fiction, New Yorkers?  (Please say fiction.)

Image from NYTimes.

Andy Warhol letterhead perfection. (Really written by his mother?)

Image from here.

 Sussing out SlateAfrique.  Any thoughts?

And, because it was one hell of a day, my husband sent me this link.  With the encouraging statement, "Paris is apparently overcome with Leprechauns and Goth Warriors.  But, this will make you happy." He was right.

Image from here.

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