15 February 2013

Friday List!

 Jill's List:

Someone was just telling me about Brodeos.  I don't really know what a Brodeo is, but I imagine it to be something along the lines of this event, which included quotes such as:

He crushed putts and celebrated like, "What now, you lumpish boar-pig?"

Gotta love Bill Murray. He should come to the Brodeo.

Bill Murray, one swag-bellied apple-john of a man.
Image from BuzzFeed.

Someone sent me this article and suggested that I use it in my sex-ed class.  It's going to be the best Current Events discussion ever.

Image from BBC.

Joanna and Alex do it.  So do Sarah and Adam.  And Johan and I are totally into it.  For us, right now, it's all about Homeland.  Read about "it" here.

Image from the Independent UK.

My dress is made with Kofi Annan's brains?  Yeah, that's right.  

Images from here and here.

Are these students living with a lot or a little?  It's a matter of perspective.

Image from Grist.org.

This and this are both books along the same lines. Plus, everything you own - in one photo. Super fascinating.

Image from Material World:  A Global Family Portrait.

Image from What I Eat:  Around the World in 80 Diets.
Which reminds me of these incredible children's books:

Image from Children Just Like Me.

And saw this expat essay linked by a friend. 

Finally, the virtues of olive oil beauty by this South Sudanese DJ:

Mari Malek
Image from Into the Gloss.

Sarah's List: 

A friend passed along these maps with special attention to #9. You guessed it, Congo is big. I know Congo is enormous, but really, this big? 

Image from here.
To mark the release of this book, the follow-up to Bringing Up Bébé, here are a few links to other demi-Francophone Mom bloggers. And an early review of Bébé Day by Day.

Image from here.

Un:  Mommy du Jour: Raising Culturally Competent Kids
Deux: Femme au Foyer 
Trois: La Mom

Almost, almost as beautiful as Vlisco pagne, are the Cosby Sweaters. There really are some similarities, no? Here's Cosby himself reflecting on those sweaters

Images from here and here.

I really love this woman and this article was a little hard to read because I had to accept the fact that she's not actually Tami Taylor in real life. But is she really a "late bloomer?" Is 45 old? Evidence that is it not. I love how she says, "My life just got awesome five years ago."

Connie Britton. Image from here

P.S. We really love it when you send us ideas for links. Keep 'em coming small army of Mama Congo researchers.


  1. Awesome that you both include VLISCO links! Vlisco never ceases to delight me. Thank you, MamaCongo!

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