6 April 2013

Friday List!

Jill's List: (It's just me today - Sarah is in-transit from Brussels via Istanbul back home to Kinshasa. Lucky duck.)

The house I grew up in had radiators.  It used to be my job to bleed them.  I am not kidding.  If only we had painted them like this.  It would have made the gross upkeep more palatable.

Image from Refinery 29.

Okay.  I admit it.  I'm a hypochondriac. Poor Johan is usually the only one to hear the full extent of my ridiculousness, but when it comes to me and my body, I'm a fantastic alarmist.  Just like Woody Allen.  Okay, that makes me feel better.

Image from the NYTimes.

People with TVs in the United States have told me about a certain commercial that I really should see.  It features a "cup of Johan" and a blond Scandinavian.  Say no more.

When I saw that this blogger and I all have a lot in common, I tried really hard to figure out how we know each other.  We are the same-ish age, have the same friends, went to the same small school.  We HAD to know each other.  Nope.  So, we are really happy that Kate at Motley Mama linked to Sarah's - now infamous - spider/marriage post. Our paths have finally officially crossed.  Read her blog.  It's smartly hilarious.

Image from Motley Mama.

Like many people with hair, I worry about frizz.  Particularly, that special kind of frizz which comes from living in a rainforest.  Mama Congo is partial to this stuff, but are always on the lookout for more.  Thanks to Rue Magazine's thoughtful "Spring Hair" roundup, my fake shopping carts are full of Drybar, Kiehl's, and Sachajuan.  I'm starting to prepare for the great summer stock-up...

Image from Kiehl's.

Last week, my 7th and 8th graders debated whether McDonald's should come to Congo.  Is is a sign of progress or a threat to culture?  Their answers were fascinating - mostly anti-fast food.  I wonder what they would have had to say about Mark Bittman's "improved fast food" idea - Chipotle in Kinshasa, anyone?

Image from Salon.com.

And.  Christy Turlington's writing + Alice Proujansky's photos = a moving article over at the Daily Beast on an incredibly important topic.  One that's ever so immediate here in the DRCongo - a country with some of the worst maternal mortality statistics in the world.  Christy & Alice - I'd love to introduce you to Dr. Laure...give me a call, will you?

Unbelievable photo with an unbelievable story by Alice Proujansky.

1 comment:

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