20 January 2014

Weekend List!

Sarah's List:

Looking for the meaning of life? Look in poor, religious countries.

Photo credit: Jill Humphrey

More on the meaning of life. Today is a pixel.

How figure skaters pick their music.

figure skater in motion by isla_yelo, on Flickr
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic License  by  isla_yelo 

Who is this guy?! The pope tells women to breastfeed in the Sistine Chapel.

Another nanny photo essay. Can't get enough. (Latest addition to the series of links I send to Jill at work just to make her cry.)

First day of school.

Take a wild guess where $10 will buy you the least amount of stuff.

And did you see this?! Guinness uses Congo's Sapeurs in their newest ad. Yes, it's the other Congo across the river, but we've got our Sapeurs over here too. Side note: Adam and I have been to the random bar used in the ad. I can assure you, they were not serving Guinness.

Les Rapides. Brazzaville. No Guinness.

Finally, my sister moved abroad this week. As she packed up she said those words we've waited 8 years to hear. "How do you guys do this every year? This is hard."

It helps a little when this is where you're headed, Katie.

Jill's List:

Can't stop looking at Afrographique.  Unreal.  For example:

An infographic depicting the percentage share of formal firms that are owned by women in Africa. Data from the World Bank.

Can't stop thinking about [Love X Infinity] Squared.  Not sure what I mean?  Check out this site by my beautiful friend about being a "not-quite-fairytale cancer princess".

She was not a princess in a pink, sparkly, vomity kind of way, but rather in a more “when life gives you truly horrible lemons you get a tiara” kind of way. She also had long, blond hair, and if Disney has taught us anything, it is that princesses have long blond hair. (Disclaimer: The author in no way condones the use of racist Disney princesses unless they can be used to make a point about long blond hair). 

She wasn’t especially brave, or good, or kind. In fact, most of the time she was a real pain in the ass, but she, however, did love. She loved fiercely and unapologetically. And if there is one quality all princesses must possess, it is love. 

Randomly, my home in Kinshasa is one of the largest houses I've ever lived in.  I fully expect to return to the world of 500 square feet when we go back to living in the U.S.  Reading My Tea Leaves is full of tips for folks in that sort of situation.

Or maybe, it's not so random.  An amazing post titled, "'The Help' in Togo."

Have you seen a Lego ad recently?  They've certainly and sadly drifted very far from their 1981 reality.  Though, we are still fans.  Can't help it.

Beyoncé on gender-equality.

Such an interesting topic.  Zero-tolerance in schools.

I keep thinking about this article about old men trying to sit and drink McDonald's coffee for hours. My grandma loved McDonald's coffee.

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