7 February 2014

Weekend List!

Jill's List:

I've been looking at a lot of great pictures this week.  Like these motorcycle girls (thanks, Anne!), and these limbs (Can't stop looking at these. Can't stop.), this incredible family, and these moments in womens' lives.

Art and Documentary Photography - Loading 08_TubaCesarean459.JPG
Expectant parents Danny Atene and Larrissa Mexican, 28 weeks pregnant, read a pamphlet after an exam at the Navajo Nation's Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation's Women's Clinic.
Photo by Alice Proujansky for her project, Women's Work. Used with permission.

Loving this French fight.  First there was this (French is awesome!).  And then this (French is stupid and extinct!).  And now this (French is the 9th most spoken language in the world, embrace it!).

French penmanship books purchased at City Market in case anyone else has a kid obsessed with the also-dying art of cursive.

I love all of these products.  Not that I've tried most of them.  But they're all so pretty.  Johan did get me some Herbivore Botanicals stuff for Christmas.  (Thank you to my parents for lugging that beautiful, heavy glass bottle in their suitcase.)  Everything is pretty amazing...

See?  It's just so pretty.

Nurses (not doctors, not midwives) "catch" most of the babies born at clinics here in Kinshasa! Remember this Guest Post from a few months back?  This article is fascinating (use the "translate" option to read in English).  There is a newer movement to train more university-level midwives in the city.  Very exciting.  (If any of you know about the new l'ISTM/UniKin sage femme program, email me!)

Nurses from Liboke Clinic here in Kinshasa with Safe Motherhood Kits.

Reading Christy Turlington Burns' February Letter on the Every Mother Counts blog.  The organization is focusing on safe motherhood in Africa this month.

Beautiful photo from Every Mother Counts. Used with permission.

Our girls wore their frilliest dresses this morning for Carnaval at school.  Johan made a glittery mask for Lou (even though he's a self-professed glitter-hater).  Sarah put Hot Mama blush on each of their cheeks.  Fun times.  Want to know more about Carnaval?  Read this article from the American Community in France website.  The link to the store for American food cravings cracked me up.  Marshmallow Fluff or red Solo Party Cups anyone?

International variations on Carnaval fluff and glitter.

The new apartheid.

A more peaceful perspective found on the streets of this continent.

Everybody, look at my neat friend.  Her job is really cool.


Sarah's List:

House of Cards season 2 premieres on Valentine's Day. Not only is Netflix genius by releasing the season in its entirety, but they know what we really want to do on Valentine's Day. Made me think of this card. Just substitute [Look at my phone] with [Get hooked on TV shows].

More cards like this one by Emily McDowell here.

Speaking of marriage and House of Cards. Do Frank and Claire have the ideal marriage? I vote yes. Don't judge me.

I once saw Kevin Spacey hanging out with Bill Clinton in Ghana. (True story.) He was clearly preparing for this role.

We've been reading a lot about heroin this week, haven't we? Here's a good primer on the subject: Why is heroin so cheap.

Is it al-Qaeda or Al-Quida or Al-Qaeda? Mama or momma? Hmm or hmmm? Thank goodness the internet finally has a  Style Guide. And I found the answer to my question about ?! vs. !?

This article reads a bit like the National Enquirer, but it's interesting no less. Is it really possible to have a biological child with whom you share no DNA?

What do you think about the new book All Joy and No Fun: The Paradox of Modern Parenthood? In sum, I think it means we don't have to feel so bad when we ignore our children.

Rare, 20th Century Africa photos. At the Smithsonian until August 24. 

Thank you to fellow Congo blogger, Emmanuel Ngeleka for introducing himself to us this week. Check out his blog, Congolese Stories, a collection of creative writing posts he plans to turn into a novel.


  1. Hi Sarah & Jill, I really appreciate. I like these pics, especially where the little girls are posing. Look how they are gazing... Enjoy your weekend !

  2. Thanks, Emmanuel! Bon weekend to you as well.

  3. My 2 year old daughter LOVED the picture of the girls in their fancy dresses... she stared at that picture for a long time (and would shriek if I tried to close the page).. and then proceeded to need us to make a mask, too. ;)
