1 March 2013

Friday List!

Sarah's List:

Looks like somebody's been reading Mama Congo. Surely this is where she found 46 Reasons My Three Year Old Might Be Freaking Out. Okay, or maybe not. But here's a good follow-up to the age-old question: Why does my kid freak out? Short answer: "If you didn’t have good communication skills or much of a frontal lobe, you’d freak the f**k out every once in a while, too."

My puzzle piece won't fit upside down!?

I just happened to find this buried deep in the news: Congo Coup Plot Foiled. Seems as if the alleged leader was Etienne Kabila, the eldest son of Laurent-Désiré Kabila who says Joseph Kabila isn't really the son of Laurent-Désiré and thus had no right to inherit the presidency from him. This claim isn't new and is a commonly held theory amongst Congolese. My informants now tell me Etienne isn't his son either. A true Congolese-Shakespearean drama. The plot thickens.
Etienne Kabila, the eldest son of Laurent-Désiré Kabila - See more at: http://www.vancouversun.com/news/Parentage+Congos+president+questioned+coup+plot+foiled/8022085/story.html#sthash.FQOan5Xr.dpuf
Etienne Kabila, the eldest son of Laurent-Désiré Kabila - See more at: http://www.vancouversun.com/news/Parentage+Congos+president+questioned+coup+plot+foiled/8022085/story.html#sthash.FQOan5Xr.dpuf

C'mon. Who is your son, really? Image from here.

Seems like people can't get enough of these nostalgia photos lately. And so, I bring you dearphotograph.com. Note to self: Start taking easily-reproduceable-20-years-later photos.

Image from dearphotograph.com

12 Enjoyable Names for Realtively Common Things. Funny, I always thought the "box tent" was just the previous life for my Barbie stool.

Box tent aka Barbie stool. Image from here.

Missing Adam while I'm away and these quotes reminded me of his favorite method of insult these days: "Well, it's not my favorite shirt, but it is my least favorite shirt." Or: "Well, it's not the best idea, but it is the worst idea."

From 21 Scathingly Witty Insults by Famous People

Hoping Jill reads my links and brings me back some Kingsbite from Ghana. It's not the best chocolate I've ever had, but it is the worst. (See how that works?) No really, it's not good, but would bring back oh so many memories of my favorite country on planet earth.

Jill's List:

Step One:  Take Statistics test.  Step Two: Pack for Ghana.  Though I can't really even think about my trip to Accra this Sunday until the Stats test is done and over, I did find myself wondering about the Ghananian equivalent to Tembo.  Star Beer?  If you're in the D.C. area, looks like you can get some at this place.

Image from Flickr.

We plugged this new blog on Wednesday, but will do it again today.  Check out Governance & Democracy in E. Africa if you are ever seeking a little less Mama and a little more politics.

Image from here.

Okay.  I am thinking about Ghana.  But just in an effort to not think about Statistics.  For example, this is my first opportunity to pack light in almost 7 years.  i.e. My first trip where I don't have to also pack for small children.  I'm studying up.  Like this:

Holy Organization.  Found here.  More clothing sketches here.

And thinking it would be easy if this were my carry on:

Buy bag here.

 Go, go bacteria and breastmilk.

Images from here.

1 comment:

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